Heavy rain in Northern Kenya

How quickly the landscape changes when it rains. This normally, semi-arid corner of Samburu is now under water! The runway at Sasaab is virtually an island – and keeping things fun for our pilots!

Thank you Capt Angus Melesi for the photos – flying our Cessna 182 here!

C182 in Samburu

Tropic Air carries out private charter flights throughout Kenya, using our fleet of Cessna aircraft.

Memories are made of moments like this!

Milestone for Binny Oldenburg as she completes her final flight as a commercial pilot. A lifetime spent flying, Binny’s career started in Tanzania as a bush pilot, continued in UK, and her final years have been back here in Kenya.

For the last two years Binny has been flying our Cessna Caravans, and has been an integral and much appreciated member of our fixed wing team, with an immaculate flying record. She will now shift roles and take on an office position as Director of Flight Operations. Congratulations Binny!